Cal State LA University-Student Union
With open doors and minds, we provide space and opportunities, enabling Golden Eagles to soar. Our vision is to become Cal State LA's hub for connection and growth.

The University-Student Union, or U-SU for short, is a great one-stop location for students eager to learn about what's happening on campus, collect student discounts or get involved. It is the headquarters for the Alumni Center, student government (Associated Students Incorporated) and campus organizations and clubs.


certificate, interview, agreement, business deal


We are accountable to each other and to those we serve, acknowledging and reflecting on our actions, and identifying solutions to maximize our impact.
mirror and self-reflection


We show our integrity by leading, operating, and communicating openly with those we serve.
empowerment, upgrade, presentation


We actively seek opportunities to create and innovate to improve outcomes across our facilities, services, and activities.
community, connected


We identify the unique needs of our community and intentionally act to create a culture of belonging for all who enter our space.
fun moments, fireworks


We enjoy what we do. We strive to share our joy and passion with those around us to instill a fun, welcoming and positive environment in the U-SU.
connection, living, people, showing support, connected


We prioritize genuine connections with all in our community, enabling us to appreciate the unique value in each other and amplify our successes as a team.


map of the university student union

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